As with the last one, the next global pandemic is sure to be blamed on a non-existent virus. Further, in the hidden agenda, a “virus” will be used as an excuse to vaccinate the world population.
More attention is now given to mRNA. However, certain researchers such as la Quinta Columna claim that it’s not about mRNA (spike protein): It’s really about the self-replicating nanotech vaccine nanoparticles. This makes it a bioweapon for world population control.
It beggars belief to some of us that there’s so many people having no idea that this is going on. The next “vaccine,” having no purification, isolation and identification data to prove its existence, no evidence for its efficacy, as it’s fake, will also cause meteoric rises in many illnesses as in previous fake vaccines.
Further mounting evidence from growing sources confirm that these injected vaccines contain self-assembling nanoparticles with graphene oxide.
(BTW, did you know that graphene has also been recently identified in dental anaesthetic articaine as confirmed by research at the University of Boulder, Colorado?)
These self-replicating nanoparticles with graphene oxide in the body through vaccine injectables are present to amplify the controlled signalling of electrical and electromagnetic frequencies. This signalling has been designed to integrate with the human body, into the cloud (aka the ‘Internet of Things’) with 4G, 5G and the soon to be 6G.
This is why we have an abundance of towers. Then there’s the increasing space satellites. This cloud system is in place to technologically interact with the expanding self-replicating nanotech and graphene oxide in the body. It will be used to produce the AI-controlling ‘hive mind.’
Neuralink is another related project in motion that will be used to produce the AI controlling ‘hive mind.’ Besides Elon Musk, Google, the World Economic Forum and other avid proponents such as Ray Kurzweil are also involved… A number of these proponents have given us the ultimatum: Integrate with the ‘hive mind’ as transhumans or otherwise, you will soon cease to exist if you remain a mk-1 human.
This ultimatum has major issues/concerns when considering transhumanism.
As this system expands, consider the potential for its manipulative capabilities.
For instance, if the globalists overseeing this want to create another false flag disease then they could send communications; AI-signalling instructions to the cloud system to interact with the nanoparticles and graphene oxide present in the bodies of the vaccinated (also others who have unwittingly received this technology in a different way).
The net effect will be technologically induced mass illness (disease X?) under the guise of another global pandemic…
Consider the other controlling aspects: Continually promoting bad batches, healthy people suddenly dying, terminating certain individuals who would be considered an enemy to the controlling global cult, or manipulating group behavior for a certain desired outcome…
The fact that billions have been vaccinated will this tie in to the global cult’s desired population reduction…?
A vitally needed pushback
However, a growing number of individuals including scientists and healthcare professionals are becoming aware of this self-replicating nanotechnology with graphene oxide through microscopy studies. These studies have been made on those who have been vaccinated with covid-19 vaccinations.
(Incidentally, this vaccine nanoparticles technology has been in secret underground development for many years involving the likes of Big Pharma companies Pfizer and Moderna as both have been and still are funded as black operations projects. That’s why both companies have the same vaccine technologies. -It’s all about ‘joining the dots.’)
The short and simple is that this dastardly combination of vaccine and AI global cult-driven technology (to which we did not give our informed consent) is an unprecedented threat on our humanity.
Where are the mass arrests for the scoundrels involved?? They have got away with and think they have impunity because the cult with their string-pulling power have managed to cover for them.
Studies from researchers – including those from Japan and Korea.
Microscope images of “safe and effective” Covid-19 injectables – 400X magnification.
From the above observed images generally from Pfizer and Moderna injectables the researchers made the following summary:
“…There were animated worm-like entities, discs, chains, spirals, tubes, right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them, and so forth. All these are exceedingly beyond any expected and acceptable level of contamination of the COVID-19 injectables,and incubation studies revealed the progressive self-assembly of many artifactual structures. As time progressed during incubation, simple one-and two-dimensional structures over two or three weeks became more complex in shape and size developing into stereoscopically visible entities in three-dimensions. They resembled carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes, some appearing as transparent,thin, flat membranes, and others as three-dimensionalspirals, and beaded chains. Some of these seemed to appear and then disappear over time.Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.”
Young Mi Lee MD, and Daniel Broudy, PhD -Source details can be downloaded here.
Remember, these vaccines are stored at very low temperatures. When injected, the body’s temperature causes the movements/reactions to initiate.
As supported by many scientists/medicals, for example, by Dr La Quinta Columna (above), who reports that his findings suggest there is a suspiciously significant correlation between the rollout of these injectables and the same-time worldwide rise in deaths: Turbo cancers, and auto-immune related diseases, etc.
Internet of Bodies (I.O.B)
Further, this ties in with the engineered I.O.B currently under planning/construction to integrate with the ‘hive mind’ as a communication system.
No wonder so many people report that they don’t feel right as this technology interfaces with their body bio-electric and electromagnetic fields.
Worldwide ban
Further, as a consequence of this extraordinary research scientists, medicals and associates have called for an inquiry and immediate worldwide ban. Globalists they are on to you!
An appalling situation, of course, for instance, as gross as the nanobot microscopy studies are with their implications, people need to see this to wake themselves up and not give consent to getting vaccinated with these nanotech vaccine nanoparticles so that they can prevent their impending demise.
This excellent video aptly summarises what’s going on and offers some solutions:
Read More – Nanotech Vaccine Nanoparticles – A Bioweapon for World Population Control [15/09/24]
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