October 13, 2021

An original analysis

The following is an exclusive analysis of illnesses and disorders occurring after Covid-19 vaccination as reported to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a federal database. It does not include all of the adverse events reported; it summarizes some of the most common or problematic categories.

A report does not necessarily prove the illness or death was caused by the Covid vaccine. The system is designed to collect adverse events after vaccination to uncover any patterns not captured during vaccine studies.

Scientists have estimated that adverse events caused by medicine occur at a rate up to 100,000 times higher in the general population than what’s officially reported, since it’s established that most adverse events aren’t reported to the database. However, some claim Covid-19 vaccine adverse events are not as likely to be underreported, due to close monitoring and widespread publicity surrounding Covid-19 vaccination.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the benefits of Covid-19 vaccination outweigh the risks for all groups and age categories authorized to receive it.

Covid-19 Vaccine: Analysis of Common Illnesses Reported to Federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)

As of Sept. 27, 2021

1. 226,457 Temperature regulation, fever (88,547), chills (78,432), sweating, flushing, hypo- or hyper- thermia

2. 174,793 Skin-related including:

154,866 Itch, rash, hives, reddening, welts, angioedema

10,691 Necrosis, swelling, infection, injury, issues

6,862 Burning sensation

2,059 Blistering, pemphigoid/pemphigus

315 Psoriasis, autoimmune skin disease

3. 164,200 Movement, muscle, nerve, neuropathy, numbness, paralysis-related including:

92,742 Movement, muscle including:

34,696 Myalgia, muscle pain

16,858 Lymphadenopathy, enlargement of lymph nodes

16,453 Muscle spasms, atrophy, injury, abnormal, swelling, bleeding, twitching, necrosis, tightness, weakness, stuff muscle rigidity with tremors or jerks (often with Parkinson’s)

10,886 Tremor, head titubation (62)

12,258 Gait disturbance, coordination abnormal, no control of limbs, unsteady steps, balance disorder, walking disability, movement disorder, dyskinesia, tics

7,962 Musculoskeletal chest pain, discomfort, injury, disorder, stiffness, fibromyalgia (230), polymyalgia rheumatica (169)

8,022 Mobility decreased, in injected limb (1,246)

673 Hypokinesia, partial or complete loss of muscle movement

407 Blepharospasm, tight closure of eyelids

248 Motor dysfunction, apraxia

206 Restless leg or arm syndrome

189 Hypotonia, reduced muscle tone or strength

186 Trismus, inability to open mouth or jaw

145 Rhabdomyolysis, skeletal muscle breakdown

116 Braedykinesia (slowed movement, as in Parkinson’s)

108 Myasthenia gravis: autoimmune disturbance of communication between muscle and nerve

61 Trigger finger, locking of finger, popping, pain

56 Areflexia: absence of deep tendon reflexes

32 Freezing phenomenon (stuck)

25 Reduced facial expression

13 Tourette’s

66,658 Nerve, neuropathy, numbness, paralysis including:

31,220 Abnormal sensation: paraesthesia, prickling, pins, needles, bug sensation (including in mouth); hypersensitivity (3,941), pharyngeal hypo/aesthesia (loss of sensation) (1,277), foreign body (940), electric shock (480)

22,478 Numbness, hypoaesthesia, oral (4,245)

7,970 Paralysis including:

5,273 Face paralysis, paresis, Bell’s palsy (2,835) 

3,861 Neuralgia, neuropathy, nerve pain, injury, inflammation, nerve signal problems, symptoms, sciatica nerve injury or problems (298), trigeminal (188), post-herpatic neuralgia (40), complex regional pain syndrome (23)

1,597 Paralysis, parapalesis, hemiparesis/hemiplegia paralysis or weakness on one side (852), monoplegia in one limb (224), dyplegia among corresponding body parts (69)

696 Guillain Barre Syndrome paralysis

695 Myelitis inflammation of spinal cord or spinal cord disorder (354), weakness, paralysis; multiple sclerosis, autoimmune or relapse (199); demyelination (61); acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), or acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis (25): autoimmune disease marked by a sudden, widespread attack of inflammation in brain and spinal cord, also attacks central nervous system and damages myelin insulation which destroys the white matter triggered by a viral infection or vaccinations; autoimmune chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (27); autoimmune demyelinating polyneuropathy (18); subacute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (11), autoimmune demyelinating disease (6)

500 Eye-related: gaze palsy, inability to move both eyes in same direction (249); optic blood supply nerve issues (131); cranial nerve disorder or paralysis causing pain, tingling, numbness, weakness, or paralysis of face including eyes (49); VIth nerve paralysis: impacts 6th cranial nerve responsible for muscle that turns out the eye (40); optic neuropathy (33); IIIrd nerve paralysis: impacts the 3rd cranial nerve and can impair eye movements, the response of pupils to light, or both (31) 

254 Mastication disorder/pain (muscle used to chew food)

66 Peroneal nerve palsy (calf nerve paralysis with tremors)

62 Parkinson’s disease, Parkinsonism

32 Vocal cord paralysis

13 Acute neuropathy

1 Acute flaccid myelitis

4. 139,395 Pain, discomfort, tenderness, location not specified or extremity (56,411)

5. 137,499 Feeling “abnormal,” tired, fatigue, malaise, weak, chronic fatigue syndrome

6. 121,538 Injection site bleeding, bruising, warm, weakness, swelling, pain, rash, issues

7. 111,549 Headache including migraine, thunderclap

8. 80,416 Heart events (other than heart attack and bleeding)

32,804 Heart rate abnormalities, palpitations, fibrillation, flutter, arrhythmia, extrasystoles, tachycardia 

30,217 Chest pain, discomfort

8,502 Abnormal blood pressure: hypertension (5,252), hypotension (3,250)

2,898 Myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle) (1,725), Pericarditis (inflammation of membrane surrounding heart) (1,142), Endocarditis (inflammation of heart inner lining) (31)

1,697 Arrest (abrupt loss of heart function), cardiac death (39)

1,619 Myocardial swelling, rupture, necrosis, irregularity

930 Ventricular problems

833 Cardiac failure: acute, chronic, congestive, left or right

538 Severe chest pain from inadequate blood supply to heart (angina pectoris)

378 Pericardial effusion (fluid)

9. 77,976 Lung and respiratory-related

40,056 Respiratory abnormalities, cough (15,036), failure (721), pain, distress, obstructive, infection, virus, rhinitis-related, sinusitis and sinus-related including: 

Read More – EXCLUSIVE: 80 of the most common adverse events reported after Covid-19 vaccination

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