ACCORDING to Eluned Morgan, First Minister for Wales, the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) is an ‘independent expert organisation’.

At least, this wording was used in the typically unhelpful response that Alison, then 50 – rendered medically unfit to work after two doses of AstraZeneca covid vaccine in 2021 – received when Morgan was the Senedd’s cabinet minister for health. 

It was the usual ‘use platitudes and then pass the buck’ standard response to which those injured by the untested injections have become accustomed. However, a recent development finally reported in the mainstream media last week might finally be vindicating the numerous victims of this arguably unnecessary medical intervention. 

Alison used to work part-time as a breakfast club and lunchtime supervisor at a primary school, enjoying busy weekends spent walking up Caerphilly Mountain or crafting and batch cooking. Now she needs a crutch to walk the short distance to her car and a wheelchair when going out for any length of time due to chronic pain and fatigue.

With type 1 diabetes and mild arthritis, Alison took the vaccine when offered as she felt it was the ‘responsible thing to do’. Within 24 hours of the first injection, she had a burning sensation from her trunk to her face, flu-like symptoms and an odd vibrating sensation in her feet, as well as pins and needles in her hands and feet. Initially, Alison’s GP thought that the symptoms were linked to her diabetes, or possibly the start of fibromyalgia. Her manager at the school wanted her to continue to supervise the children after lockdown, so she felt obliged to take the second jab.

Since 2021, life for Alison has been a round of appointments with GPs (when available), private neurologists and orthopaedic surgeons. Fearing that she may be developing MS or Parkinson’s disease, she has been prescribed two additional long-term medications for nerve pain and depression. Her problems are compounded by the weight she has gained due to being less mobile. 

Alison completed her own Yellow Card report but heard nothing back from the MHRA until she pressed them for a response. They simply asked for a copy of her clinical report. 

In February 2022, Alison received an interim diagnosis by a neurologist of ‘unexplained neurological symptoms in the aftermath of covid vaccination’. Her report (which I have seen) went on: ‘This has been quite a common situation over the course of the last year and I have seen numerous individuals with difficult to explain symptoms which arose at that time.’

Finally, in June 2022, came a diagnosis of post covid vaccine sequelae (meaning after-effects).

Demonstrating great tenacity, Alison has challenged her health board when pestered to take boosters (she no longer wants any vaccinations and is now wary of all medications and their possible side effects) and even taken her issue to Public Health Wales (PHW) via the same local health board. In October 2023, the health board informed her that PHW had advised that there is no pathway in Wales for vaccine injury diagnosis and suggested that she contact the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS). 

Read More – Despairing battle of Alison, vaccine victim

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