Before we can ascertain what it means when we are told that vaccines are safe we must first consider what vaccines are made of. It would be nothing short of preposterous to claim that the ingredients of vaccinations could be considered entirely safe.
Aluminium, Polysorbate 80 and Formaldehyde are all listed among the highly toxic and carcinogenic ingredients included in Pharmaceutical companies vaccine inserts. Alongside aborted human foetal tissue, bovine serum, canine and avian cells, gelatin harvested from porcupine’s, antibiotics, Monosodium glutamate, urea and believe it or not the list goes on.

We are told by big pharma that the amount of aluminium in vaccinations is small and is naturally expelled from the body shortly after the vaccine is administered.

Professor Gheradi, former Director of the French National Institute of Health and Medical research, found that aluminium could persist for up to 12 years at the vaccination site and could be detected in other organs including the spleen and brain up to one year post vaccination. Aluminium is a known neurotoxin.
Exposure in animals is associated with behavioural, neuropathological and neurochemical changes, learning difficulties and abnormal behavioural function. 1

High levels of aluminium have been found in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients. 2

A team of French doctors discovered the aluminium adjuvant in vaccines were the cause of a new disease called Macrophagic Myofascitis, or MMF. 3

There are no shortage of medical papers from experts voicing concerns and providing evidence to corroborate the risks associated with the aluminium included in pharmaceutical products.

Polysorbate 80 is used in a variety of cosmetic and food products including ice cream therefore we could be forgiven for presuming it is entirely safe. In reality Polysorbate 80 is not safe. It is known to induce anaphylactic reactions, which is also an accepted side effect of vaccines.

In one Slovakian study rats injected with Polysorbate 80 between 4-7 days of life showed signs of accelerated aging, hormonal changes, ovary and womb abnormalities and degenerative follicles. 4

Microbiologist, Benoit Chassaing’s paper published in the Journal of Nature found that Polysorbate 80 could be linked to changes in gut bacteria, increased inflammation and insulin resistance therefore increasing the risk of diabetes in those exposed. 5

Formaldehyde is an embalming fluid and human carcinogen. It is known to cause DNA damage and mutations. It has been proven to cause damage to sperm cells. 6

It has been proven to have a negative effect on memory, behaviour and learning ability. 7

The International Society for Neurochemistry claim there is a link between formaldehyde and neuro degeneration. 8

Squamous cell carcinomas were observed in the nasal cavities of 103 rats subjected to formaldehyde inhalation. 9

Innumerable scientific studies can attest to the many dangers to health associated with formaldehyde exposure, cancer being listed among them.

Urea, an ingredient listed in the controversial Dengvaxia® has been known to cause symptoms similar to strychnine poisoning in animals including salivation, rapid breathing, ataxia, bloat, convulsions, and death. 10

Monosodium glutamate has been shown to cause infertility in female rats. 11

One study provided by Veronica Beatriz Busoni, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires found
Monosodium glutamate has effects on synapsis at the gastric and duodenum level that results in stimulation of contractility resulting in increased rate of gastric emptying. 12

Neomycin has been known to cause irreversible deafness, another side effect of vaccination. 13

While we have been told that Thimerosal [a mercury based chemical] has now been removed from almost all childhood vaccines it is still sometimes used and listed in at least one of the flu vaccines currently on the market today.

Experts have and do speak out about the risks associated with the so called inactive ingredients in vaccinations. 14

Those risks are rarely explained to the general public.

We can attribute countless side effects and even mortality to each individual ingredient in a single vaccine. When we stop to ponder on the accumulated side effects, in accumulative volumes, in the numerous vaccines, all being administered within a matter of weeks to a newly born baby, with an underdeveloped immune system, do we not have to ask how safe can they really be?

What does it mean when we are told vaccines are safe?
In truth is it really nothing more reassuring than the reality that only a minority will die due to vaccination, a few will be permanently injured and more will have no obvious immediate side effects.

What is the long term impact of vaccination on health?
Well we cannot say because no long term studies have ever been completed and presented to the public by vaccine manufacturers.

How safe is it to load an under developed immune system with over 50 shots before a child reaches 18, as governing health bodies recommend. This figure increases annually with every new vaccine big pharma and their advocates aggressively market.

All the while those agencies tasked with defending the health of our children receive funding from the very companies that make the vaccines.

Our elected politicians who assure us vaccines are safe and we must get them, even when they are yet to complete clinical safety trials also receive funding from those same companies.

Pharmaceutical companies spend more than any other industry on earth to influence politicians.

Do you think we may be seeing a conflict of interest?

Vaccines have an admirable track record

Maurice Hillemann, Chief of the Merck Pharmaceutical Company’s vaccine division, once coined the father of vaccines described vaccines as the bargain basement technology for the 20th century.
Hillemann admitted to Leukaemia being present in the Yellow Fever vaccine and to importing the aids virus with African Green monkeys used in vaccine development. 15

Between 1959-1960 while examining the minced up kidney cells of rhesus monkeys used in the development of the Polio vaccine, Dr Bernice Eddy a researcher with the National Institute of Health discovered that cells would die without an apparent cause. Injecting the cellular material into hamsters caused the growth of cancer. 16

Referring to this incident Michael E. Horwin, M.A. , J.D, stated in a 2003 issue of the Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology

Shortly thereafter, scientists at the pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. discovered what would later be determined to be the same virus identified by Eddy. This virus was named Simian Virus 40 or SV40

Horwin’s son was born on June 7, 1996 he was administered the oral polio vaccine in late 1997. On August 10, 1998, Alexander was diagnosed with a malignant brain cancer, medulloblastoma. He was to be found dead on January 31st 1999.

Four independent laboratories (Baylor College of Medicine, University of Chicago, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Temple University) used DNA testing (Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)) or laser micro-dissection to test Alexander’s tumor for the presence of SV40. Every lab found that the tumor tissue contained the virus. – Horwin –

Back in 1960, Dr. Maurice Hillman and Dr. Benjamin Sweet, both employed by Merck were to publish their findings.

The discovery of this new virus, the vacuolating agent, represents the detection for the first time of a hitherto “non-detectable” simian virus of monkey renal cultures and raises the important question of the existence of other such viruses. As shown in this report, all 3 types of Sabin’s live poliovirus vaccine, now fed to millions of persons of all ages, were contaminated with vacuolating virus.

The vocuolating virus was numbered SV-40 because it was the 40th such virus found in the monkey kidneys.

Known to cause cancer in humans at least 30% of all polio vaccines administered in the 50s and 60s contained this virus.

While it was presumed SV-40 was not present in vaccines after 1962 U.S. federal law did not require vaccines contaminated with SV-40 to be destroyed so long as they were manufactured before the regulations banning the sale of these contaminated products was brought into effect. Therefore millions of people were knowingly contaminated with the SV-40 virus simply to avoid a loss of earnings for the manufacturer.

Read More – Vaccination – The Greatest Lie ever told? (Part 2) [03/04/21]

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