ALTHOUGH we have recently published evidence of people voting with their feet with regard to covid vaccine take-up, there are few grounds for believing that the millions of words written disproving the ‘safe and effective’ mantra have influenced government establishment at all. In fact what we have seen is denial and pushback. Today we publish four articles that illustrate in their different ways how key evidence is still being determinedly censored and ignored by the Hallett Inquiry and the Scottish Government, and in the US by Joe Biden and Big Pharma.

BEEN covid vaccinated? Yes, get boosters. Had your covid boosters? Yes, get another one . . . and another one. We seem to be in the era of the fifth covid booster now. Or is it the sixth? It is hard to keep up, but rest assured that our governments and public health fanatics will not rest until we are umpteenth booster vaccinated up to our eyeballs.

It is nothing to worry about, apparently. The side-effects only include pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, feeling tired or fatigued, headache, muscle aches or joint pains, chills, dizziness, swollen lymph nodes and nausea. Oddly, no mention of stroke, cardiac arrest, pulmonary embolism (all associated with the increased likelihood of blood clots) and death. No, nothing to see here.

However, enthusiasm for covid vaccinations is waning, as figures from the US demonstrate. The way data are presented by the UK government makes it hard to ascertain what the uptake of covid vaccination boosters is but, given that the figures for care homes used to be over 80 per cent and are now only over 60 per cent indicates that, even in a captive and largely compliant population (‘covid jab with your cup of tea, dear?’) there is resistance. Sally Beck reported for TCW on Monday that NHS staff are refusing to have the jabs.

It is clear, on both sides of the Atlantic, that regarding covid vaccination, we have now entered ‘who gives a damn?’ territory. The harbingers of doom regarding the devastation of the population by covid, the ‘everyone is at risk’ message and the purportedly protective effects of the covid vaccines have been proved to be false. That is not to mention the accumulating evidence of potential and actual harms associated with the covid vaccines.

However there is one group of people who have not lost their faith, and they are our old friends at Global Health Now (GHN), possibly the most reliable source of misinformation about all things covid, at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The GHN issue of 11 December linked an article from the equally unreliable NPR Goats and Soda which posed the question in its title: ‘I didn’t get the latest covid vaccine. Should I? And if so, when?’ Exploiting the forthcoming holiday season, it further asked: ‘When should I get it for maximum holiday protection when travelling and partying?’

I think you can guess the answer.

Clearly those in the Public Health/Big Pharma industrial complex are concerned. The article links to a report which shows that ‘just under 20 per cent of eligible people have gotten the updated vaccine’ and that this one ‘has been updated to better match currently circulating variants of the virus’. I am guessing that would be the current variant that nobody anyone seems to know is suffering from.

Naturally, they repeat the well-aired false claims about covid vaccines, such as the one that says they reduce the likelihood of catching covid. Readers of TCW have long been aware that the covid vaccines, with their very low absolute risk reduction values (less than 1 per cent) are virtually useless. Moreover, there is evidence that, far from reducing your risk of catching covid, they may paradoxically increase it. Not only have they low efficacy, but they may also have negative efficacy.

Read More – They’ll stop at nothing to get you jabbed [Article from 13/12/24]

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