This is a letter of resignation from a nurse addressed to the executive board of the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

I write to you today as a highly experienced nurse with 27 years’ service to inform you that when my registration expires on [date given] I will not be renewing it and therefore I am resigning my registration and leaving the profession.

The reasons for this are many but to summarise I am utterly dismayed and disheartened by my profession and with you as our governing body at the complete lack of integrity that has been displayed since the beginning of the ‘Covid-19 Crisis’.

The facts about the reality and truth of this alleged crisis are readily available for anyone to find and investigate for themselves, not least you, a body that should have been doing just this, seeking the truth and advocating for both your members and our patients, past, present and future. We are patient advocates not government puppets.

Under the guise of ‘Covid-19’ (which has never been isolated or purified) a massive injustice has been served on to the people of this country and globally. It was and remains our duty as healthcare professionals to learn the truth and to be the voice of these people, yet there has been a deafening silence and a sickening desire to simply comply by you and so many of my colleagues that I cannot and will not condone. Sadly in these times, for me to speak out about these injustices and to be a true advocate for my patients has meant me being bullied and ostracised by my colleagues, removed from clinical practice by hospital management who state they are unable to consider any evidence presented to them that questions the official narrative and state that they must simply comply with government ‘guidance’ regardless of any harm they may cause.

When did our profession cease to be based on evidence? When did we become order-followers uninterested in the facts on which we base the care we give and devastatingly now on which we deny patients and their families care? To speak out about the many 1000s of people in this country alone that have had treatment and investigations delayed or have been left to die, has meant me living in constant fear of being ‘struck off’ the register for simply doing what I swore to do, speak and act for the benefit of my patients at all times.

I refer below to the first part of our code of conduct.

‘Prioritise People: You put the interests of people using or needing nursing or midwifery services first. You make their care and safety your main concern and make sure that their dignity is preserved and their needs recognised, assessed and responded to. You make sure that those receiving care are treated with respect, that their rights are upheld and that any discriminatory attitudes and behaviours towards those receiving care are challenged’ – NMC Code of Conduct.

This no longer seems to be at the forefront of too many of my nursing and medical colleagues’ minds and motives. I have witnessed personally and professionally many examples of the above ethos being completely disregarded and have been informed by patients and friends of their own experiences where their holistic needs have been disrespected and disregarded because ‘Covid-19’ is a priority over, it seems, every other illness, and a priority over the emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing of both our patients and their families. Any nurse who can deny a child their families being with them when they are sick or dying totally contradicts the entire foundations of our profession: care. As does any nurse who denies end of life patients spending precious time with their loved ones, denying them entry into hospices for fear of ‘Covid’ transmission. Enforcing these restrictions rigidly and brutally, making families say their last goodbyes via the internet or knowing that families have slept in hospital/hospice carparks just so that they can feel close to their loved one at the time of death, because we have removed their right to hold their hands and be with them as they pass. The trauma that this must have caused people is unforgivable and not something I will ever condone and nor should you or anyone in our profession.

The devastating isolation of residents in care homes was, in my opinion, inhumane. It is equally unforgivable and unthinkable that such treatment could ever have been perpetrated by staff who claim to care for these people. The emotional trauma they and their families must have suffered is irreparable and I am ashamed to be associated with a profession that claimed this was to protect them. Holistic care now seems to be a thing of the past as does an individual’s right to choose.

Mask exempt patients have been denied treatment in A&E and spoken to in such a manner that any healthcare professional found to be conducting themselves like this should be investigated and disciplined. Yet they are not, despite so much evidence in the public arena. Why are you seemingly supporting the actions of these health care professionals by omission of action, by your silent acquiescence? Do you condone the behaviour of the nurses on your register that are bullying and coercing patients into wearing masks and to take the test? What has happened to informed consent? Where is the informed consent for masks? Mask do not work and are potentially harmful. You should know this. Yet you remain silent and allow the people of this country to have this imposed on them despite the absence of any scientific supporting evidence. You remain silent while masks are imposed on children. Surely you have considered the devastating effect this will and has already had on their mental health and consequently their physical health?

The shaming of people who are mask exempt is actively encouraged. Many of those that are mask exempt are too afraid to leave their homes for fear of the judgement and abuse they may receive. As a nurse I have been told by too many mask exempt patients of the distress they have suffered at the hands of others, healthcare professionals included. They have been bullied, shamed and coerced into feeling they must wear a mask even if this would be detrimental to them. Emotionally blackmailed, ‘Wearing is Caring’. Disgraceful marketing campaigns displayed everywhere insisting that masks must be worn otherwise entry/service will be denied. Yet these masks are useless. Bullies in all types of establishments, once again, healthcare settings included, insisting on proof/disclosure of exemption and denial of the existence or validity of the ‘Equality Act 2010’. There are people that are simply not mentally robust enough to withstand the discrimination, judgements and verbal assaults, so they either stay home (meaning further social isolation/exclusion) or succumb to the bullying and wear masks despite it causing them physical or mental distress/ harm. This is totally unacceptable. Yet you remain silent.

Where is the informed consent for tests? The tests are unforgivably inaccurate. The PCR test was never designed as a diagnostic tool, clearly stated by its inventor Kary Mullis. Surely you are aware of this too? If not why not? It is your responsibility to be aware of the facts. And if you are aware why are you silent? Why are you not challenging the Government policy in order to protect and do no harm? These inaccurate tests have been used to justify injustices on the people on a scale that is nothing short of criminal. They have been used to fabricate a health threat and bring this country to its knees through fear. These tests have been used to label healthy, asymptomatic individuals as a potential threat to the lives of others and to facilitate world governments in rolling out draconian measures/restrictions on their people, the people they were elected to serve. So-called asymptomatic cases have never in the history of respiratory disease been the driver for the spread of infection. Rather it is symptomatic people who spread respiratory infections – not asymptomatic people. Why have you not challenged this?

The measures imposed on us all are responsible for the destruction of lives, livelihoods, mental health and the very essence of what makes us human, our connections to one another, making people, and sickeningly, children, fearful of each other. Dehumanisation. It has all been ‘marketed’ as protecting the vulnerable. What about all the other vulnerable members of our society? I am sure I don’t need to list them. Are their needs no longer important?

The fact that healthcare professionals across the UK are refusing patients treatment and investigations if they are mask exempt and if they refuse a test and/or being told that they will be removed from treatment and investigation lists if they refuse the test is unethical medical tyranny.  I have personally been party in my professional capacity to my colleagues proudly stating how they have informed patients that if they refuse a test they will be removed from the waiting list. I asked a senior colleague to show me where in the admission process we asked patients for their informed consent for mask wearing. I was told, that patients are told they must wear a mask and they know if they do not then they will not be admitted to the hospital and therefore they will not get treatment, so they wear a mask. I witnessed all surgical patients being expected to wear surgical masks post surgery and even some consultant anaesthetists insisting patients requiring oxygen therapy must wear surgical masks beneath their oxygen delivery masks, without any evidence of efficacy or potential harm this may cause. I saw my own colleagues enforcing this, without any evidence to back up this new practice. Do you condone this? Again, if you do not then why are you silent?

Where is the informed consent for the experimental vaccines? Do you have the supporting evidence that the vaccines are safe and do not cause harm? In the absence of this evidence why are you not challenging Government roll-out of the vaccine? Why are you not speaking out about the Government proposals to make it a requirement for healthcare professionals to have the vaccine? Surely consultation is necessary? Why are you not in consultation with the Government on this matter? I called your helpline and was told that you were not in consultation and would simply follow the guidance of the Government. Why are you not advocating for your members and the people of the UK? Are you aware of the many devastating adverse reactions that are being experienced by people who are having this experimental vaccine? Are you aware of the deaths caused by this experimental vaccine? Why have you not challenged this?

To be a healthcare professional who asks questions now is to be labelled ‘uncaring’, a ‘firebrand’ or a ‘conspiracy theorist’. This is wrong: we have a duty to question. We have a duty to be informed, to inform and to provide care that does no harm and is consented to via informed consent. I assume you agree. Yet part of our training on radicalisation now includes those people who question the official government narrative on ‘Covid-19’ as having been potentially radicalised into extreme views. This is wrong. Do you support this? Are your members that are in support of the vaccine roll-out and are administering these vaccines fully aware of all the facts of each vaccine? Are they providing patients with all these facts? If not why not? I would suggest that this is in the very least negligence by any party to be not appropriately informed and to not appropriately inform.

Are you aware that Dr Reiner Fuellmich has initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity and violations of the Nuremburg Code?

‘Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud. In addition to the incorrect tests and fraudulent death certificates, the “experimental” vaccine itself violates Article 32 of the Geneva Convention . . . Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited. According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a serious breach of the Convention. The “experimental” vaccine violates all ten Nuremberg codes – which carry the death penalty for those who try to break these international laws’ – Soren Dreier 09.05.2021

You will of course be aware that a ‘Covid’ death is a death from any cause within 28 days of a positive test. A test that is inaccurate and deaths whose primary (actual) cause could have been anything, yet the people of the UK have had their businesses, lives and health destroyed based on these figures. And still you remain silent. Here is an article written by Dr Mike Yeadon and published in The Conservative Woman on May 10, 2021. 

I ask you, are you aware of ivermectin and the work of Dr Tess Lawrie? If not why not?  Why are you not pressuring the Government to at the very least consider this? Why are you not questioning government policy and demanding their evidence to support their policies? Instead through your silence you have and continue to allow them to aggressively enforce, social distancing, social isolation, closure of businesses and places of spiritual practice, ineffective and harmful masks, hand sanitiser and the roll-out on an uninformed public of experimental vaccines?

They trust us and you are failing them through your silence and unquestioning complicity. Dr Mike Yeadon and Dr Tess Lawrie are not alone in questioning what is happening yet all and anyone that does question are aggressively censored, their work removed and labelled dangerous misinformation. All debate and reasonable discussion immediately quashed. Do you not stop to wonder why? You should. You have a moral and professional responsibility to do so.

In my opinion anyone now that knows that something is very wrong with what we are being told, even merely suspects something is very wrong and does nothing, remains silent, condoning these injustices and encourages the vilification or actively vilifies or attempts to silence those speaking for truth and justice is morally bankrupt. So, do what you will or won’t with this letter but now you are in possession of it and if you choose to ignore the issues presented then you can no longer claim nescience but are being wilfully ignorant.

It is with immense sadness that I end my nursing career but I will not be a part of these crimes against humanity and against the patients I/we should be protecting and I do not consent or wish to be governed by a body that silently complies with Government tyranny and bases their judgement as to whether I am fit to practice as a nurse on my levels of compliance or in my case  non- compliance with tyranny.

I echo Dr Mike Yeadon in saying I will fight for truth, freedom, medical freedom and the health, rights and freedoms of others so long as I have breath in my body. 

Read More – The Covid silence that drove a nurse to quit [31/05/21]

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