Financial shock and awe
For the past year, I’ve been demonstrating that every major scientific assertion about the so-called pandemic is a lie. This article is about something else.
The money.
Money that makes the bailout/stimulus sums look like chump change. Money that makes Bill Gates look like a guy on welfare scraping by.
To understand my line of approach here, you have to understand that people are conditioned, in many ways, to accept modern medical care.
One successful method of conditioning: a whole nation is invaded by medical propaganda and medical treatment, during a purported crisis. The bottom line: “only doctors can save the population.”
Think about that chunk of mind control. Think about the long-term implications.
And as you read on, picture very populous countries that, to a significant degree, still rely on non-modern traditional medicine—herbs, natural remedies, etc.
Do you really believe that when the authorities declare the medical/pandemic crisis is over, the populations of such invaded countries will just go back to their former beliefs and practices?
“Thank you for saving our lives with drugs and vaccines, but now we’ll return to our ancient Ayurveda and acupuncture…”
The invasion of the doctors and the public health authorities, during the crisis, is the point of the spear. The way in. The first planned stage of PERMANENTLY CONVERTING THE WHOLE COUNTRY TO MODERN PHARMACEUTICAL MEDICINE.
We’re talking about MARKETS.
New markets as targets of the invasion.
Where are these new markets?
China, India, Indonesia, for example.
Each of these countries still maintains, to a significant degree, traditional non-modern healing practices.
What will happen in the long term, beyond the current “pandemic,” if Big Pharma is able to gain a total monopolistic position in these nations?
What if the invasion of the COVID drugs and vaccines is successfully followed by new waves of modern medical/pharmaceutical ground troops, and a complete takeover of these nations is achieved?
How much money would we be talking about?
Here, from — “Here’s How Much Your Healthcare Costs Will Rise as You Age” (12/25/20), is a startling assessment [1]:
“During one’s lifetime, over $400K will be spent on the average American’s healthcare in today’s dollars. And that is if medical costs rise [at] the same rate as inflation. If medical costs rise at 3% more than inflation, your healthcare will cost over $2MM, the vast majority of which will take place after the age of 45.”
Read More – Pandemic: follow the real money, the unthinkable amount of money [12/5/21]
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