• 25,000 more people died at home during pandemic as they didn’t go to hospital
  • Huge backlog in NHS treatment set to cause 20% rise in cancer patient deaths
  • Organ transplant operations fell by two thirds while waiting list deaths doubled
  • Daily Mail carried out audit of 130 studies from journals, academics and charities

A devastating picture of the impact of the lockdown on the nation’s health and wellbeing is today revealed in an exclusive analysis that brings together more than 130 studies.

The Daily Mail audit – based on research published by medical journals, leading academics and charities – shows that the damage inflicted by the lockdown extends into every sphere of health, including cancer, heart disease, addiction, the welfare of children, domestic violence and mental illness.

Experts say the analysis suggests that even after the pandemic ends, it will take years for the NHS to catch up with backlogs – and it will be too late for tens of thousands of patients.

Doctors and politicians called on the Government to ensure all health services are protected if the spread of Covid-19 continues. The audit of 132 documents shows:

  • Delays in treatment are set to cause a 20 per cent rise in deaths among newly diagnosed cancer patients in England – 6,270 excess deaths this year;
  • Treatment for strokes fell by 45 per cent during lockdown and there were more than 2,000 excess deaths in from heart disease;
  • More than 50,000 operations for children were cancelled;
  • Organ transplants fell by two thirds, with the number of those who died on the transplant waiting list almost doubling;
  • Total waiting lists for routine orthopaedic and eye operations are at record levels;
  • Calls to child abuse helplines rocketed;
  • As rates of depression and anxiety doubled, thousands of recovering alcoholics have relapsed.

A devastating picture of the impact of the lockdown on the nation’s health and wellbeing is today revealed in an exclusive analysis that brings together more than 130 studies

A second wave of infections across parts of the north west and Wales has threatened to further devastate services and possibly prevent more people from receiving life-saving medication or treatment.

NHS Digital estimates there were 26.7million fewer GP appointments in England between March and August this year than in the same period in 2019 – down from 146.2million to 119.5million

At least 25,000 more people have died at home during the pandemic in England and Wales because they were unable to – or chose not to – go to hospital, a surge of 43.8 per cent on normal levels.

And 85,400 people died in private homes rather than in hospitals or care homes between March 20, when lockdown started, and September 11, an Office for National Statistics report revealed, the equivalent of around 100 extra deaths a day.

Prince William, speaking to Liverpool business owners yesterday, days after the city was forced into Tier Three virus restrictions, revealed his fears of a ‘mental health catastrophe’ if Britain’s entertainment industry goes bust due to Covid-19.

Read More – Lockdown’s lethal toll laid bare: 50,000 children see surgery postponed, treatments for strokes plunge by almost 50%, and one in FIVE people were hit with depression in just one month as devastating effect of coronavirus restrictions are revealed [Article from 19/10/20]

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