Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! – Isaiah 5:20

Update, thanks to Dr Vernon Coleman. See link and link  

Dr Samuel White  00:01

Hi, everyone. My name is Dr. Sam, I just want to share a story with you today about how I came to resign at the beginning of the year really. I had a job for life, I was a partner in a GP practice. I’ve been a doctor since 2004, so 17 years, the last 11 in general practice. Also, until recently working in the emergency department. A few years before that, I helped run a pallative care hospice as well. I had to go because that was the only thing I could do, really, because of the lies, and the lies over the last year or so have been so vast, it’s been impossible to stomach or tolerate. I went to medical school in good faith, because I wanted to help people and make a difference. And that’s not what’s happened this year. And it’s been as if my hands and those of many other doctors and nurses who perhaps have been afraid to come forward, have had their hands tied behind their backs.

Dr Samuel White  01:14

So there are treatments available, safe treatments, proven treatments with lots of evidence to back that up including treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin which can be used as both prophylaxis, and in treatment. Even a simple inhaler called Budesonide has been found to be effective by a doctor who works in the emergency department in the states. So what I’m asking today is that you do your own research, and I’m gonna tag in this video a lot of doctors, perhaps more eminent than myself, who’ve done a lot of work exposing what’s going on.

Dr Samuel White  01:59

Now, let’s talk about the jabbing the arm. Okay, so this isn’t in any way, shape or form a typical thing that begins with v, okay. This is genetic manipulation, okay, and it contains within it a code for the spike protein. Okay. Now, when we look at patients with COVID, the spike protein is exactly what determines the pathogenicity of the virus, okay, it’s the spike protein that seems to be making people really sick. But if you get COVID, chances are well in excess of 99 percent that you’ll recover. The people who have sadly and tragically died, have had multiple medical problems, in the vast vast majority. And just think what we could have done, if we’d have been able to offer them early intervention in the community with those drugs I just mentioned. Okay. Please go and look at the yellow card website in the UK, the VAERS in the US. Look at the number of deaths, look at the number of serious serious adverse side effects, okay, and know that these systems of reporting only probably account for about 1 percent of what is really going on, because these are voluntary reporting systems, okay. There’s not really an incentive for doctors to do these, okay. And the association between someone having a jab in the arm and then becoming sick might not be made at the time, okay.

Dr Samuel White  03:45

So what you’ll see there is probably just a fraction, okay. And as I said, I’m going to tag people in this who I think have really done great work exposing this. I’ve also just listened to an interview by Reiner Fuellmich whose a world renowned lawyer, who is working with a big team of lawyers and doctors and scientists to expose this. And the foundation by which a pandemic was declared was this PCR test, okay, so go and look at what Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test said about it, okay, because that was the key for me once I realised that was how they were diagnosing this, I realised that this was fraud. Okay. So this is a method by which you can find something in someone’s body, and then you amplify it. The amplification cycle goes beyond 24. The number of false positives is about 97 percent. It’s ridiculous. Okay, so remember that fraud vitiates everything, okay?

Dr Samuel White  05:03

Reiner Fuellmich has done a great interview with James Delingpole, so go and check that out please, it’s great and will give you a lot of reassurance as well. Okay. Remember, we have the treatments, we’re just not allowed to use them. I’m trying to find ways to work around that, believe me I am, I’m not in that system anymore, I’m gonna be, something I’ve been working on for a while is a career in functional medicine, which moves away from Big Pharma altogether. Hopefully, my website will be up and running soon and I’ll be sharing with you how to keep your body in tip top shape as well and a dietary plan as well, which I used I was two stone heavier a few years ago, thinking all the while that I was eating well, you know, because I was a doctor. I can’t remember ever having any nutritional lectures in medical school it was a long time ago, but it took me going through a process of being ill myself to find out how to really kind of look after your body.

Dr Samuel White  06:09

So please don’t have this [vaccine] just because you think they’ll let you go on holiday, okay. It’s time for us to re establish common law. Okay. I’m jumping around a lot here because there’s a lot to cover. Now, common law is actually the highest law in the land. And what it means is the Rules of Civil Procedure do not apply to living men or women. So please go and check out the great work that Christopher James in Canada is doing and chap called Jesse Perez in South Africa. Christopher James’s website is called awarriorcalls. I know he’s helping people as well in the UK. So any of these civil rules statutes, regarding this pandemic, where you’ve been forced to lock down your business, forced to mask yourself, and masks do nothing by the way, they do absolutely nothing – they don’t help you and they don’t help anyone else.

Dr Samuel White  07:08

When I was in practice I was giving patients the exemption sticker, the badge sorry, to take away because I didn’t want to see people, my patients struggling to breathe and they are frail and elderly most of the time with respiratory, cardiovascular conditions. That’s the worst thing you can do. Okay. So take off the mask. If you’re worried about being confronted, just say you’ve got an exemption, download it from the government website or buy one of these badges. You’d be surprised actually when you go shopping, how many people just get out of your way when you’re not wearing a mask, because I’ve never worn a mask. Okay, and I don’t intend to start. Okay, so I’m gonna tag some key people, I just want you to do your own research. Don’t take my word for it you, but there was a reason why I had to leave.

Read More – Dr Samuel White NHS GP Speaks About The Fraud

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