Covid Vaccine Adverse Events

A neurological reaction to the covid vaccine (WKRN)

Updated: April 2023
: June 2021

A systematic overview of severe covid vaccine adverse events. (18+)


A) Neurological disorders; B) Menstrual disorders, miscarriages, birth defects; C) Heart inflammation, heart attacks, cardiac arrest; D) Blood clots and strokes; E) Severe skin reactions; F) Eye disorders and blindness; G) Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis); H) Shingles and other virus reactivations; J) Tinnitus, hearing loss, dizziness and vertigo; K) Anaphylactic shock; L) Tumor growth and cancer; M) Appendicitis; N) Children: PIMS, myocarditis, blood clots; O) Diabetes and diabetic ketoacidosis; P) Other autoimmune diseases; Q) Booster toxicity; R) Lymphadenopathy; S) Organ failure; T) “Long Covid”; U) Creuzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD); V) Histopathological findings; A1) Safety signals; A2) Causality and Under-Reporting; A3) Excess mortality; A4) Case reports; A5) Videos

A) Neurological disorders

Covid vaccinations have been associated with several neuro-inflammatory and neuro-degenerative disorders, including Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), multiple sclerosis (MS, new-onset or relapse), transverse myelitis (TM), and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM).

Neurological auto-immune reactions may be due to antigenic cross-reactivity and typically occur within days or weeks of vaccination. Symptoms vary and may include muscle weakness and paralysis, tremors and seizures, as well as cognitive issues (see video below).

By November 2021, about 2000 cases of post-vaccination GBS had been reported to the US VAERS systems and about 500 cases had been reported to the British MHRA system. Back in 1976, the US swine flu vaccination campaign was stopped due to an increased risk of GBS.

Video: Various post-vaccination neurological disorders (18+)

Image: Post-vaccination MS brain lesions in a previously healthy 26-year-old woman.

B) Menstrual disorders, miscarriages, birth defects

US authorities have argued that covid vaccines “appear to be completely safe for pregnant women” (NIH) and “are thought not to be a risk to lactating people or their breastfeeding babies” (CDC). However, the US VAERS system counts already more than 3,000 post-vaccination miscarriages, and it has been known since March 2021 that covid vaccines, or the spike protein they produce, may get into breast milk and sicken or kill a baby (e.g. by causing internal bleeding or allergic reactions).

In addition, by September 2021, more than 30,000 British women had reported post-vaccination menstrual disorders, such as excessive bleeding, and several cases of post-vaccination birth defects, including cardiac anomalies or pulmonary hemorrhage, have been reported.

In Scotland, an investigation has been launched into a spike in deaths among newborn babies. Of note, the Pfizer vaccine trial in pregnant women continues to be delayed for “lack of participants”. Regarding female fertility, it is too early to know if covid vaccines might have any impact.

Read more: Covid Vaccines and Fertility (March 2023)

Image: A breastfeeding baby with fatal internal bleeding (March 2021)

A breastfeeding baby with fatal internal bleeding (source)

C) Heart inflammation, heart attacks, cardiac arrest

In March 2021, Israel first reported a “murky wave of heart attacks” and an increase in post-vaccination all-cause mortality. In June, the Israeli Ministry of Health confirmed that covid mRNA vaccines may cause heart inflammation (myocarditis) and heart attacks, especially in young people. In September, a US study showed that in healthy male adolescents, the risk of post-vaccination myocarditis is about five times higher than the risk of covid hospitalization.

In young males, the risk of post-vaccination myocarditis may reach about 1 in 1000 (including subclinical cases). In October, several Nordic countries partially or fully halted the use of the high-dosed Moderna mRNA vaccine due to the elevated risk of myocarditis. In November, Taiwan suspended the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine in adolescents.

Post-vaccination myocarditis may also affect athletes and may lead to sudden cardiac arrest. Since the beginning of the covid vaccination campaign, several professional athletes collapsed or died from cardiac arrest or heart attacks. In several countries, cases of myocarditis have significantly increased during covid vaccination campaigns. Myocarditis, even if “mild” (i.e. self-limiting), may cause long-term heart issues.

A study in mice found that if mRNA vaccine gets into a vein, the heart muscle absorbs the mRNA, starts producing coronavirus spike protein, gets attacked by the immune system, and develops inflammation and cell damage (i.e. myocarditis). This is likely what happens in humans, too, if the vaccine accidentally gets injected into a blood vessel instead of muscle cells.

See alsoAthlete cardiac arrests (overview)

Image: Heart issues in European soccer players (December 2021)

Three professional soccer players suffering heart issues within one week (more)

Vaccine-induced myocarditis also has affected children and adolescents.

Vaccine-induced heart muscle inflammation in adolescents (more)

D) Blood clots and strokes

Blood clots, stroke and pulmonary embolism continue to be major covid vaccine adverse events, especially after adenovector covid vaccines (AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson). In response, several countries have suspended the use of adenovector covid vaccines altogether or in non-senior citizens, in whom the risk is most pronounced.

In April 2021, AstraZeneca acknowledged that up to 10% of people receiving their covid vaccine may develop transient thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet count), which, in severe cases, may turn into thrombotic thrombocytopenia and increased risk of blood clots.

Life-threatening blood clots have also affected professional athletes and have caused pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lung) and cerebral bleeding. A 44-year-old BBC moderator died due cerebral bleeding caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine. Several cases of leg amputations due to vaccine-induced blood clots have also been reported (see image below).

Of note, the risk of blood clots may increase during air travel. In June 2021, British Airways confirmed the death of three of their pilots, aged 30 to 55, without disclosing their cause of death or vaccination status. A German Lufthansa First Officer collapsed during a flight from Spain to Germany.

There are also ‘anecdotal’ reports of unusual cardiovascular complications several months after vaccination, raising the question of potential long-term cardiovascular damage: for instance, six months after vaccination, a healthy 13-year-old boy had a fatal cardiac arrest, a healthy 15-year-old girl had a fatal brain aneurysm, and a healthy 35-year-old woman had a life-threatening stroke.

Image: Leg amputations due to vaccine-induced blood clots

Image: Leg amputations due to vaccine-induced blood clots

Leg amputations due to vaccine-induced blood clots (more)

The following figure shows a brain MRI of a vaccine-induced cerebral sinus venous thrombosis and cerebral haemorrhage (brain bleed) in a 32-year-old woman (more):

Brain MRI of a vaccine-induced cerebral sinus venous thrombosis in a 32-year-old woman (more)

Read More – Covid Vaccine Adverse Events

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