THAT the covid vaccines have been a disaster is now clear in the minds of most informed people. As reported frequently in these pages, they patently do not work and they have a wide range of dangerous side-effects, including death.
One of the side-effects of the covid vaccines is that they appear to cause cancer and cause existing cancers to accelerate, so-called ‘turbo’ cancers. It took a leading consultant oncologist, Professor Angus Dalgleish of St George’s Hospital, London, to spot this and to share his observations with colleagues and with the general public. He has been largely ignored.
But it seems that Dr Dalgleish’s observations are vindicated. At last, a mainstream newspaper, the Daily Mail, has found fit to report the link in an article about the claims for compensation by families and victims adversely affected by the covid vaccines, including those who have developed cancer.
However, as with the rest of the ‘left stream’ media, this is in complete contrast to some notorious outlets such as Global Health Now (GHN) and Medscape. The former does not even cover the well-reported and recent increase in cancer diagnoses while the latter, which does, fails to acknowledge that this might be linked to the covid vaccines.
That cancer is rising is beyond dispute. NHS England, under the banner ‘NHS diagnoses thousands more cancers as cases rise by 5 per cent’ states: ‘The latest cancer registration statistics show more cancers were diagnosed in 2022, with 346,217 new diagnoses – on average 948 a day – compared with 329,664 in 2021 (an increase of 5 per cent).’ This is accounted for by a 7 per cent increase in men and a 2 per cent increase in women. The increase is mostly in those cancers most common in both sexes: prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women.
The only explanation NHS England can offer is that the rates partly ‘reflect the work of the NHS in 2022 to encourage people to come forward for checks to catch up on the effects of the Covid pandemic’ which led to ‘a reduction in the numbers coming forward and starting treatment’.
Incredible. The NHS, which we were imprisoned for the best part of two years to save, come up smelling of roses again; it is their ‘work’ that is contributing towards the current wave of cancer diagnoses. And it was the fault of the covid ‘pandemic’. Nothing to do with the fact that they shut up shop for months on end and physically prevented people coming forward for diagnosis and treatment.
NHS England, nevertheless, do say that their action (following months of inaction) only partly explains the present situation. No other explanation is offered.
Reporting the same phenomenon under the banner ‘Early Cancer Diagnoses Hit Record High in England’ Medscape offer no explanation either. They couch their report in terms of ‘a major drive over the last two years to encourage millions of people to come forward for potentially life-saving checks’ including people ‘at a higher risk because of hereditary or lifestyle factors’.
Again, it is the heroic actions of the NHS which are responsible for the phenomenon, the so-called ‘major drive on early detection’. I stand to be corrected but, as a periodic and recent user of the NHS and also as someone who has been specifically investigated twice in recent years for cancer, I am completely unaware of any such drive or, as described in an undated entry on the NHS England website, ‘campaigns’.
The various arms of cancer screening are described in these pages, and none seems to be especially dynamic or novel. Lung cancer screening for smokers and posting out kits for home testing for bowel cancer, for example, were quotidian even before the covid years.
In all the above the mammoth in the room is, surely, the covid vaccines. Yet they are never mentioned in relation to the increased diagnosis of cancer coinciding precisely with the rollout of the vaccines. Of course, ‘vaccine’ is a term that should only loosely be applied to the experimental gene therapies that were developed and then tested on the population of the world in response to covid.
Read More – Cancer is soaring, and still they deny the vaccine connection [Article from 13/1/25]
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