Professor Anita Baxas MD Jan 29th 2024

Many people became suspicious of the Covid shots but still advocate for other vaccinations, completely disregarding the evidence of the harm they have been causing for decades, destroying kids’ and adults’ lives. They don’t question why many contain neurotoxic metals such as Mercury and Aluminum. They also contain substances like Polysorbate 80 that makes Swiss cheese out of the blood brain barrier thus enabling these metals to damage the brain. The carnage caused by the Covid shots though opened up investigations into the contents of vaccines in general and lead more people to investigate other shot such as MMR, flu, RSV and others.

Among the Covid jabs we find Graphene, self-assembling spider silk fibres, hydrogels, quantum dots and Phthalates.


We don’t know since when Graphene was used in vaccines but there is suspicion that it was included in the flu shots in 2019. This would explain why mostly older people succumbed to illness and death during the Covid hoax. Graphene is a highly toxic substance, a massive free radical causing tremendous damage in every organ system. But it’s also an excellent conductor for electricity, electromagnetic frequencies and heat. It’s used in bio sensors, tissue engineering and nano electronic devices. At the same time that these people had Graphene in their bodies, 5G antennas were turned on and it looks like their illness was actually EMF radiation poisoning amplified by Graphene.

I wrote about the damage caused by Graphene in another Substack post:

Polyamide Proteins – Spider Silk

Dr. Ana-Maria Mihalcea recently posted her findings that the rubbery clots in vaccinated as well as unvaccinated blood contain polyamide proteins which are found in spider silk. It can be artificially manufactured by genetically altered goats. It can be used as a light-based sensor. It can be combined with inorganic nano particles (Graphene for example). It is very though and can outperform Kevlar in bullet proof vests. When combined with Graphene it has capabilities to become biosensors, micro technological devices, nano fibers for energy harvesting, bone and tissue engineering. Spider silk fibers assemble themselves just like Amyloid and Prions. The former being named the culprit of Alzheimer’s disease, the later of mad cow disease.  Amyloid fibers are used as templates and building blocks for nano materials such as functional nano devices, hydrogels, biosensors, energy conversion materials and more. It can use the blood as a substrate or source of materials to self- assemble and metals such as Aluminum, Gold, Silver can catalyze and accelerate the self- assembly and they serve as an antenna for these bio sensors. Polystyrene found in micro plastics combines with these fibers as does Graphene in the form of nano tubes (kind of reminds us of the tubules used by the Borg in Star Trek to inject nanites into people to transform them into Borg).  Spider silk can mimic neurons (nerve cells) and thus be used for signal transmission. See

It’s a set up for signals to be received and sent from the human body via these sensors, artificial neurons and antennas. As they pass the blood brain barrier with Graphene and that barrier has been made into Swiss cheese already by Polysorbate 80 and environmental toxins, the idea of connecting the brain via 5G (and 6G down the road) connectivity to a hive mind like the Borg is no longer science fiction.


Phthalates are plasticizers added to plastic to make it flexible, transparent, and durable. They are not solidly bound to the plastics they’re mixed in and thus get released into the environment very easily. According to observations done in 1994 and in 2010, there is a connection between phthalate exposure and hormonal disruption that leads to breast cancer. A study done in Mexico in 2010 found that certain phthalates were associated with an increased risk for breast cancer.

Phthalates are anti-androgenic. This means that they interfere with the male hormone production of testosterone. A paper by Dr. Shanna Swan published in the International Journal of Andrology in November 2009 found that boys exposed to phthalates during their mothers’ pregnancy showed less male typical play behavior. They avoided toys like cars, trains, or toy guns and rough play. They preferred playing with feminine toys. Think of a boy playing with a Barbie doll. It’s not only suspected that phthalates interfere with the male sex hormone testosterone, but that they also actually alter the brain structure. Phthalates are also linked to obesity. A study of the urine levels of phthalates in men showed a correlation between the levels found and the rate of obesity and diabetes. Phthalates are also metabolic disruptors. Long-term exposure leads to deregulated metabolic pathways for carbohydrates and fat. It was found that they also interfere with insulin metabolism.

Women with high phthalate levels in their urine have a threefold risk to deliver a premature baby. Babies with prenatal exposure to phthalates were more often born with low birth weight. Low birth weight is a leading cause of child death up to the age of five years and a risk factor for developing cardiovascular and metabolic disease later in life. A Chinese study found that phthalates interfere with thyroid hormone receptors and are responsible for slow thyroid function. Phthalate prevents the hormone T3 from connecting with its receptors, thus preventing its function. This is possibly a contributor to brain fog and general fatigue.


When I was about seven years old, I remember my mom getting all upset and almost hysterical when the old-style thermometer that contained mercury fell on the floor and broke. That’s when I learned that mercury was bad for us. Little did I or my parents know that the vaccines I received contained mercury in the form of thimerosal. Fortunately for me, at that time, the vaccine schedule was limited to mumps, measles, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. The current vaccination schedule in the United States and most other countries calls for over 70 doses of 20 different vaccines by age eighteen, and there are over 120 new vaccines in development that will be added to the schedule as soon as they are rubber stamped by the FDA and recommended by the CDC.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) sets the limit for daily mercury exposure at 0.1 micrograms per kilogram body weight. Based on this limit, a baby weighing about 5 kilograms (11 pounds) should not receive more than 0.5 micrograms of mercury. Thimerosal is 50 percent mercury by weight. If the mandatory vaccine schedule issued by the CDC is followed, a baby will receive 62.5 micrograms of mercury at the second month visit, 125 times the EPA’s limit! The United States Public Health Service USPHS claimed that there was no evidence of harm caused by this exposure to mercury, even though no studies had been done yet. Four months later, the CDC initiated a study to see whether children were suffering ill effects through mercury exposure. The lead epidemiologist found that higher doses of thimerosal were associated with increased risk of neuro-developmental disorders. Despite this finding, the CDC issued a statement that not vaccinating children posed the greater risk than the exposure to mercury without having studied the first claim. It has also never been proven that not vaccinating children poses a threat.

Read More – All Vaccines are dangerous

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