ALTHOUGH we have recently published evidence that people are voting with their feet with regard to covid vaccine take-up, there are few grounds for believing that the millions of words written disproving the ‘safe and effective’ mantra have influenced government establishment at all. In fact what we have seen is denial and pushback. Today we publish four articles that illustrate in their different ways how key evidence is still being determinedly censored and ignored by the Hallett Inquiry and the Scottish Government, and in the US by Joe Biden and Big Pharma.
MEDICAL commentator Dr John Campbell told viewers of his YouTube show this week that the Biden administration’s rumoured plan to issue a pre-emptive pardon to Dr Anthony Fauci is ‘concerning’.
Campbell said a pardon would help cover up evidence of a possible Covid-19 lab leak and covid vaccine injuries, including evidence detailed in the final report released last week by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Campbell said a pardon would also help conceal evidence outlined in The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert F Kennedy Jr, nominated by President-elect Trump to head the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
‘If Fauci is going to get a complete pre-emptive pardon, that means that there’s going to be no effective discussion,” Campbell said. “I’m sure Anthony Fauci is really upset about this because he would really like the opportunity to clear his name … because he is the science, remember?’
Calling Kennedy’s book ‘quite incredible’, Campbell noted that ‘it’s never been challenged in court in the United States or legally challenged in any way’, lending credence to the accuracy of the book’s reporting on Fauci’s actions during the pandemic.
Campbell read several excerpts from The Real Anthony Fauci that highlighted Fauci’s pandemic-era actions:
‘You will read how Dr Fauci’s strange fascination with, and generous investments in, so-called “gain of function” experiments to engineer pandemic superbugs, give rise to the ironic possibility that Dr Fauci may have played a role in triggering the global contagion.
‘You will also read about his two-decade strategy of promoting false pandemics as a scheme for promoting novel vaccines, drugs and Pharma profits. All of these share a common purpose: the myopic devotion to Pharma.
‘If there’s any truth in any of those things whatsoever, then surely Dr Fauci would really relish the opportunity to defend himself against such potential outrageous accusations.’
Campbell referenced the official summary of the 520-page House report, which he called ‘a truly fascinating document’. He cited examples of ‘what may not come to light’ if the Biden administration pardons Fauci — including the report’s ‘five strongest arguments in favour of the “lab-leak” theory‘.
According to the summary, ‘the virus possesses a biological characteristic that is not found in nature’. And ‘data shows that all Covid-19 cases stem from a single introduction into humans’, which ‘runs contrary to previous pandemics where there were multiple spillover events’.
The summary also noted that the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, where the lab leak is said to have occurred, ‘has a history of conducting gain-of-function research at inadequate biosafety levels‘ and that some of its researchers ‘were sick with a covid-like virus in the fall of 2019’.
‘If there was evidence of a natural origin it would have already surfaced,’ the summary added.
Commenting on the findings, Campbell noted that the US House of Representatives has spent the last four years studying the origins of the virus. He said: ‘There’s a coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, and it just so happened of all the bars and all the gin joints in all the places in the world, [Covid-19] just happened to arise next door to the lab. Believe that’s a coincidence if you like.’
Read More – A pardon for Fauci? The covid cover-up is in full swing [Article from 13/12/24]
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