Occam’s razor is a highly useful philosophical principle attributed to a fourteenth-century logician named William of Ockham.

As it is used in science, the principle is often understood thus:

When you have two or more competing theories for explaining a given phenomenon, the simpler (or simplest) theory is likely to be true.

This helps explain why so many convoluted conspiracy theories, as much as they might appeal to our desire to make sense of our world’s confusing darkness and weirdness, are simply untrue—or at best, only partially accurate.

Today we have a particularly pernicious conspiracy theory making the rounds.

Heavily promoted by bestselling author David Wilcock (much of whose research in other areas remains valuable IMHO) and many, many others in the alternative media, this conspiracy theory holds that COVID-19 is a bioweapon intentionally engineered by nefarious forces (variously referred to as the Deep State, the Cabal, the Illuminati, etc.) to tighten the screws of global authoritarianism via crashing the world economy.

To be clear: I myself am a vocal proponent of the idea that there are indeed nefarious forces who want to do and are attempting to do just that: tighten the screws of global authoritarianism via crashing the world economy.

I’m also in agreement that the tool being used to do this has been called COVID-19.

But here’s the twist of truth: there’s no such thing as COVID-19Not only is it NOT a bioweapon; it’s not a virus at all. And now there’s definitive, incontrovertible proof provided by a medical doctor that this is the case. Keep reading if you don’t believe me.

According to history-making research by Andrew Kaufman, MD, images of COVID-19 taken using electron microscopes don’t show a virus; they reveal harmless exosomes.

Exosomes are biovesicles released from the interior of cells into surrounding body fluids in response to insults such as toxins, injury, cancer, other illnesses, and even—get this—fear (or any other kind of stress).

Meaning: the more deliberately created panic, the more exosomes show up in people all over the world, and the more false positives are generated in testing for COVID-19.

That’s how, as I’ve been arguing all along (see here and here), this is a FAKE PANDEMIC.

You don’t need a bioweapon to hoodwink the masses into a pandemic panic. You don’t even need a real virus. You just need a faulty diagnostic tool such as the RT-PCR, which is known to be up to 80% inaccurate when applied to asymptomatic individuals, and control of the narrative through ownership of the media and who knows how many high-ranking politicians and bureaucrats.

I realize many reading this are already so indoctrinated they’ll have a hard time accepting even the most rock-solid proof that they’ve been duped. After all, as Mark Twain reportedly said, “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

Yet truth, especially of a visual nature, has a way of making itself heard. Following are two images with nearly identical features proving that so-called COVID-19 is merely an endogenous (meaning, created inside the body) response to assaults to the immune system.

The image below on the left shows exosomes. The one on the right shows COVID-19. Do not adjust your screen. The cognitive dissonance you’re experiencing is merely the result of your regularly scheduled programming being put in a blender.


By any fair interpretation of Occam’s razor, these images alone constitute viable proof of the theory that we’re dealing with exosome cascades in people scared witless by relentless fearmongering in the media, both mainstream and alternative, as opposed to a deadly contagious virus being transmitted to people around the world at impossible speeds.

But wait. There’s more.

Dr. Kaufman also lists five defining characteristics of exosomes and so-called COVID-19 that prove beyond any reasonable doubt that they are one and the same.

Both exosomes and COVID-19 have exactly the same diameter when inside cells: 500 nm. (In this instance an exosome would technically be called an endosome.) They also have exactly the same diameter when outside cells: 100 nm. Both use the exact same receptor, the ACE-2, for cellular access. Both contain RNA. And finally, both are found in lung fluid.

We’ve just gone from relying on Occam’s razor as proof of a theory to definitive, multi-layered evidence of that theory that would stand up in any impartial court of law.

Empirically, the hysterically repeated mainstream narrative (often blindly accepted as fact) that symptoms attributed to COVID-19 are caused by a super contagious virus is patently false. Clearly, there is another agenda in play here. As for those scientists and doctors who subscribe to this unproven (and now disproved) theory, there are two possible explanations for their unconscionable behaviour.

Read More – The Most Important Article on COVID-19 You Will Ever Read [4/4/20]

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