During the pandemic many deaths have occurred, approaching 2 million Americans.  Ponder this: Have large numbers of excess deaths over pre-pandemic years resulted from something other than COVID infections?

There have been increasing articles and studies about excess deaths during the pandemic.  Too many of these seem aimed at getting attention rather than being accurate and balanced.  The concept of excess deaths is simple: deaths above what was normally observed before the pandemic.  But why are more people dying even after accounting for COVID infection deaths?  Getting to the correct answer is the goal of this article.

The core issue in seeking truth is how to evaluate excess deaths during the pandemic and then explain them if they are not caused by COVID infections.  If there really are non-infection excess deaths, then the goal is to rise above often bad and uncertain data from government agencies to correctly figure out whether something especially concerning is happening.  Perhaps something that governments do not want to acknowledge and deal with, as we shall see.

Classification of deaths

To get to the truth about excess deaths it is important to make a critical distinction by defining two classes of deaths.

Class 1:  First, direct pandemic effects are twofold.

Most attention is needed to assess the magnitude of deaths from COVID infection.  These include breakthrough cases that are COVID infections despite full vaccination.

The other direct impact is deaths from COVID vaccines.

Class 2:  The second class is very different.  They are indirect health impacts resulting from actions other than from direct medical actions aimed at addressing COVID.

These are the many collateral deaths resulting from severe contagion controls used by federal and state governments, especially lockdowns, stay at home mandates, limited hospital and physician access, school closings, job losses, travel restrictions and widespread impacts on personal and medical freedom.

These many indirect impacts cause large numbers of deaths across the entire population.  They are the collateral damage caused by pandemic government authoritarian actions, but not infections nor COVID vaccines.  They are done, supposedly, in the name of public health.

The government does not collect comprehensive data on these indirect deaths.  Be clear about this category of deaths.  They are caused by all the public health systems to address the pandemic.

To be clear, deaths directly associated with COVID infections cover a range of situations.  Government agencies report COVID related deaths.  That word “related” is very important, because proving causality has proven contentious.  Most physicians see causality when deaths occur soon after COVID symptoms or a positive test result.

There are reasons why there are legitimate concerns and criticisms of official COVID death data.  It comes down to what criteria are used to declare a death as either caused by COVID or just, in some way, related to the infection.

US federal and state agencies have, for the most part, been very liberal in declaring deaths as COVID ones.  This has resulted from financial incentives, political motivations (maintaining public fear and acceptance of authoritarian government actions) and procedural government guidance.

In the latter category are guidelines from CDC for death certificates issued in March 2020 that replaced a practice used for the previous 17 years.  This change allowed physicians, medical examiners and coroners to place less importance on all kinds of health problems contributing to a death and, if there was any evidence of COVID virus infection from testing (before or after death) or symptoms, to declare a death as a COVID one.

In other words, many people, especially the elderly, could have died with COVID but NOT from COVID.  They may have died from their underlying medical problems and weakened immune system more than effects directly associated with COVID infection.  Some die because they have been given the very expensive approved drug remdesivir that causes acute liver and kidney problems, and has a death rate of over 25%.  Yet their deaths go into the COVID death column.

On the other side, is the view that some people have died from COVID infection but their death has not been officially declared as a COVID death.  Most likely these have been people who have died at home without medical attention.  It is difficult to believe that the numbers of deaths in this class could account for a large excess death figure.  Why?  Because people who die from COVID infection almost always experience severe symptoms as they move from stage one viral replication to stages two and three when vital organs are attacked, especially breathing problems.  These typically cause them to seek medical attention, usually hospitalization where so many COVID deaths occur.

Not to be dismissed, is the reality that many COVID deaths have preempted a number of normally occurring deaths, such as from the seasonal flu and many types of accidents in a more mobile population.  The latter are subsumed in the COVID death data.  They do not explain excess deaths.  If anything, they reduce non-infection excess deaths.

Taking all this into consideration means that COVID death totals are most likely to overstate the lethality of COVID.  In fact, as I have discussed elsewhere, COVID lethality for the whole population was initially overstated by Fauci to justify extreme government actions and mass vaccination.  He started the pandemic by wrongly saying that the China virus was so much more deadly than the seasonal flu.  Only the elderly had a high risk of death (and younger people with serious underlying medical problems) that warranted focused government attention, initially by using safe and effective generics, namely ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and later vaccines.

In seeking truth about excess deaths, it is most important to recognize the countless and not quantitatively reported indirect impacts of the pandemic on health and deaths of very large numbers of people who were not actually at significant risk from COVID infection.

Deaths have resulted, for example, from people not getting normal pre-pandemic health care from treatment to prevention and suffering from extreme mental stress (often pushing addiction and suicide) caused by abnormal living and negative economic conditions.  Unlike direct pandemic deaths there is hardly any useful tabulation of indirect pandemic death impacts by government agencies.  In the name of public health government agencies have harmfully impacted the lives of nearly all Americans.

There is need for caution when seeing numerical excess deaths beyond official COVID deaths, in coming up with explanations that involve controversial causes.  The big example is blaming what seems as major excess deaths on COVID vaccines.  Especially if the many indirect pandemic causes of death are not addressed, mainly because data are not readily available.

Also note that breakthrough COVID infections in fully vaccinated people that sometimes cause death are appropriately categorized as direct COVID deaths.

As I have discussed, declining vaccine ineffectiveness (especially for variants) make the fully vaccinated vulnerable to dying from COVID infection.  But it would be wrong to say that these deaths are different than COVID ones.  And wrong to place these deaths in a category of vaccine deaths.  Moreover, as I have analyzed, breakthrough deaths in the US most likely account for tens of thousands of deaths, much smaller than true excess deaths.  Though their numbers are likely to increase in coming months and years as mass vaccination continues.  For example, recently this was reported: “Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield said that more than 40 percent of people who have died from Wuhan coronavirus in the state of Maryland over the last 6-8 weeks were fully vaccinated.”

To recap, it is important to focus on the many causes of vaccine induced deaths and collateral deaths that do not result from the viral infection.  Make no mistake, there are now widely recognized medical explanations of vaccine induced deaths, including a broad array of serious blood problems that this author has reviewed.  Data on vaccine deaths will be examined below.

Indirect health impacts

A March 2021 study examined how the pandemic caused non-infection health impacts and made it clear that they cannot be ignored.

“The COVID-19 pandemic and global efforts to contain its spread, such as stay-at-home orders and transportation shutdowns, have created new barriers to accessing healthcare, resulting in changes in service delivery and utilization globally.”

“One hundred and seventy studies were included in the final analysis. Nearly half (46.5%) of included studies focused on cardiovascular health outcomes.  The main methodologies used were observational analytic and surveys.  Data were drawn from individual health facilities, multicentre networks, regional registries, and national health information systems.  Most studies were conducted in high-income countries with only 35.4% of studies representing low- and middle-income countries.”

“Healthcare utilization for non-COVID-19 conditions has decreased almost universally, across both high- and lower-income countries.  The pandemic’s impact on non-COVID-19 health outcomes, particularly for chronic diseases, may take years to fully manifest and should be a topic of ongoing study.”

A November 2020 article Death by Lockdown “forecasted more than 100,000 excess deaths due to drug overdoses, suicide, alcoholism, homicide, and untreated depression – all a result not of the virus but of policies of mandatory human separation, economic downturn, business and school closures, closed medical services, and general depression that comes with a loss of freedom and choice.”  What was recognized is “that as bad as a virus is, policies that wreck normal social functioning will cause massive and completely unnecessary suffering and death. “

Read More – Nearly Two Million Americans Dead from COVID Vaccines, Infections, and Collateral Impacts: Dr. Joel Hirschhorn [29/10/21]

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